
Où acheter des produits et spécialités du Périgord ?

Where to buy Périgord products and specialties?

Périgord, land of gastronomy and traditions, is full of exceptional products that have made the region famous. From black truffles to foie gras to prestigious wines, each mouthful evokes ancestral...

Where to buy Périgord products and specialties?

Périgord, land of gastronomy and traditions, is full of exceptional products that have made the region famous. From black truffles to foie gras to prestigious wines, each mouthful evokes ancestral...

JM Monterroir c'est quoi ?

What is JM Monterroir?

Welcome to JM Mon Terroir, your online destination for an authentic gastronomic experience, featuring the delights of Périgord and Lot-et-Garonne.

What is JM Monterroir?

Welcome to JM Mon Terroir, your online destination for an authentic gastronomic experience, featuring the delights of Périgord and Lot-et-Garonne.

Qui Sommes Nous?

Who are we?

JM Monterroir, founded in July 2023 by Emmanuel Delvaux, celebrates the excellence of local know-how and the generosity of artisans and local farmers. This e-commerce platform favors a virtuous local...

Who are we?

JM Monterroir, founded in July 2023 by Emmanuel Delvaux, celebrates the excellence of local know-how and the generosity of artisans and local farmers. This e-commerce platform favors a virtuous local...

Déjeuner entre PXINFO et JM Monterroir - Emmanuel Delvaux

Lunch with pxinfo

@jmmonterroir delivers your barbecue basket to you in 24 hours and with good 100% Périgourdins products. Meeting with Emmanuel, its creator. More on Instagram

Lunch with pxinfo

@jmmonterroir delivers your barbecue basket to you in 24 hours and with good 100% Périgourdins products. Meeting with Emmanuel, its creator. More on Instagram